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Coaching is like having a partner in crime (but the good kind!) who's there to help you achieve your personal or professional goals. The coach is your confidant, your sounding board, and your cheerleader all rolled into one. They work with you to identify your strengths, values, and growth areas, and help you develop a plan to achieve your goals. They're your accountability buddy, checking in with you and helping you stay on track.

And here's the cool part: coaching is all about focusing on what you want to achieve and exploring the possibilities, rather than dwelling on the past or telling you what to do. The coach helps you to think outside the box and explore new perspectives. They'll ask you thought-provoking questions that challenge your thinking and encourage you to explore new ideas.

Plus, coaching is completely confidential, so you can feel comfortable opening up about your needs and desires. And the best part is that the coach doesn't give advice or solve problems for you – instead, they help you discover your own solutions and resources. So, it's a fun, empowering, and forward-focused process that helps you achieve the outcomes you desire!


While counseling is often more about dealing with past issues, coaching is all about moving forward and achieving your goals. If your past is still tripping you up, counseling might be a better fit. But if you're ready to leave the past behind and start achieving your dreams, coaching is the way to go!

And don't worry - if it seems like counseling might be a better fit, I'll let you know. But for most people, coaching is the perfect way to get ahead and live your best life!


While consultants take on specific projects and provide specific knowledge, I'm all about helping you become more of who you need to be to achieve the results you want. And if my expertise in marketing, public relations, entrepreneurship, or real estate can help you along the way, I'll be sure to share it!

Together, we'll uncover your strengths, explore new possibilities, and create a plan to help you live your best life - both personally and professionally!

You're in the driver's seat, but I'm here to offer support, guidance, and a safe space to explore your potential.


The length of time that someone stays with their coach can vary depending on their individual goals and needs. Some people may only need a few sessions to get clarity and direction, while others may choose to work with a coach for several months or even longer.

According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), the average length of a coaching relationship is approximately 6 months. However, some studies suggest that the length of a coaching relationship can range from just a few sessions to several years.

Ultimately, the length of a coaching relationship is up to the client and their coach to decide together based on the client's goals and progress. Whether it's a short sprint or a long-distance run, the goal is always to help the client achieve their desired outcomes and reach their full potential.


Unlike a mentor, who might have a specific path in mind, I'm all about helping you discover the path that's meant for you - even if it's different from the one I've taken.

I won't tell you what to do or how to do it - instead, I'll help you uncover the answers that are already within you. Think of me as your own personal success cheerleader and coach. I'll provide the spark to help you light up your own success and create the life you're meant to live!

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